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MEDICAL products beginning with : H
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 PRODUCT NAMEFDA Code/Regulation 
Hospital, I.C.U Beds (26 suppliers)
High Vacuum Suction Machines (2 suppliers)
Hand Held Suction Unit (3 suppliers)
Head Mirror (3 suppliers)
Hematology System (7 suppliers)
Hematology System is a diagnostic instrument that analyzes whole blood to provide the various types of results like complete blood count (CBC) including white cell differential and reticulocytes. It requires small lab space and is very easy to operate. It is simple, intuitive and easy to navigate software interface makes it very user friendly and requires a very short learning curve.
Human Ferritin Kit (1 supplier)
Human Ferritin Kit is designed to measure ferritin in human serum or plasma. This kit features precoated, ready to use 96-well strip plate for uses over 12-18 months, direct sample (10 ul) analysis, no sample dilution/processing allow rapid analysis, time saving ready-to-use substrate solution and other assay components, high sensitivity (2 ng/ml) and excellent precision.
Human Growth Hormone hGH ELISA Kit (2 suppliers)
Human Growth Hormone hGH ELISA Kit is used for the in vitro quantitative determination of human growth hormone (hGH) concentrations in serum. This kit is indented for laboratory use. This kit is provided with materials like microplate, conjugate, sample diluent, substrate A & B, stop solution and wash buffer.
HGV Ab ELISA Kit (1 supplier)
Herpes 2 IgM ELISA Kit (1 supplier)
Herpes 2 IgG ELISA Kit (1 supplier)
Herpes 2 IgG ELISA Kit provides qualitative and semi-qualitative detection in serum samples. Its features include microplate indirect EIA, 96-test kits and 90 minute total incubation.
Herpes 1 IgM ELISA Kit (1 supplier)
Herpes 1 IgG ELISA Kit (1 supplier)
Herpes 1 IgG ELISA kit provides qualitative and semi-qualitative detection in serum samples. Its features include microplate indirect EIA, 96-test kits and 90 minute total incubation.
HDV Ag ELISA Kit (1 supplier)
HDV Ab ELISA Kit (1 supplier)
HCV ELISA Kit (1 supplier)
HCV ELISA kits are enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for qualitative detection of antibody to hepatitis C viruses in human serum or plasma specimen. These are used for screening blood donors and diagnosing patients related to infection with hepatitis C (HCV) virus. These are suitable for testing large numbers of samples, particularly in blood testing centers and blood banks.
HBsAg ELISA Kit (1 supplier)
HBsAg ELISA Kit is used for the in vitro detection of Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) including the subclass of HBsAg in human plasma or serum. This kit is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for qualitative detection of hepatitis B viruses in human serum or plasma samples. This kit is mainly intended for research use. It uses polystyrene microwell strips pre-coated with monoclonal antibodies specific to HBsAg.
HBsAb ELISA Kit (1 supplier)
HBsAb ELISA Kit is an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the qualitative determination of the antibody to the surface antigen of hepatitis B virus (HBsAb) in serum or plasma. It is used in clinical laboratories.
HbeAg ELISA Kit (1 supplier)
HbeAg ELISA Kit is an enzyme -linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for qualitative detection of hepatitis B virus e antigen (HBeAg) in human serum or plasma. It is intended for use in clinical laboratories for diagnosis and management of patients related to infection with hepatitis B virus. This kit contains microwell plate, stock wash buffer, chromogen solution A & B, plastic sealable bag and cardboard plate cover.
HBeAb ELISA Kit (1 supplier)
HBeAb ELISA Kit is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the qualitative determination of e antibody to human hepatitis B virus (HBeAb) in serum or plasma. It is indicated for screening blood donors and for aid in diagnosis of clinical conditions related to infection with hepatitis B virus.
HBcAb IgM ELISA Kit (1 supplier)
HBcAb ELISA Kit (1 supplier)
HBcAb ELISA Kit is an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) used for the qualitative determination of the antibody to core antigen of hepatitis B virus (HBcAb) in serum or plasma. It is used in the clinical laboratories.
HAV IgM ELISA Kit (1 supplier)
HAV IgM ELISA kit is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for qualitative determination of IgM-class antibodies to hepatitis A virus in human serum or plasma. It is intended for use in clinical laboratories for diagnosis of acute hepatitis A and management of patients related to infection with hepatitis A virus. This kit contains microwell plate, stock wash buffer, chromogen solution A & B, plastic sealable bag and cardboard plate cover.
Helicobacter Pylori IgM ELISA Kit (1 supplier)
Helicobacter Pylori IgG ELISA Kit (2 suppliers)
Helicobacter Pylori IgA ELISA Kit (1 supplier)
Helicobacter pylori IgA ELISA kit is used for the measurement of human IgG class antibodies to helicobacter pylori in serum and EDTA or heparin plasma.
Hemolysate Reagent (1 supplier)
Hemolysate reagent hemolyzes red blood cells and stabilizes hemoglobin in one easy step. It eliminates many tedious, time-consuming steps in preparing hemolysates. The reagent contains 0.005 M EDTA with 0.07% potassium cyanide to assist in stabilizing the hemoglobin. The powdered reagent is dissolved in 1.0 liter deionized water.
Hemodialysis, Liquid Acid Concentrate (1 supplier)
Hemodialysis, Dry Acid System (1 supplier)
Hemodialysis, Liquid Bicarbonate (1 supplier)
Hemodialysis, Powder Bicarbonate (1 supplier)
Hemodialysis, powder bicarbonate is a method for removing waste products such as potassium and urea (ultrafiltration), and free water from the blood when the kidneys are incapable. It is a form of renal dialysis and is therefore a renal replacement therapy.
Hand Towels (6 suppliers)
Head Cap For MRI (1 supplier)
Haemodynamic Monitoring System (1 supplier)
Haemodynamic monitoring system is used for the non-invasive monitoring, recording and storing haemodynamic indices. It allows measurement of cardiac output.
Holter Recorder (11 suppliers)
Holter recorder provides one day of continuous ECG data. It has a 10-lead wire patient cable providing 24 hour 12- Lead ECG data. It samples at a rate of 4096 samples per second.
Holter Analyzer (2 suppliers)
Holter Analysis Software (2 suppliers)
Holter analysis software provides solution to sort data on any field in the patient directory. It is easy to achieve retrieval of patient records. It can also sort bradycardia and paired beats records.
Holter Monitoring, 2 Channel Hook-up Kits (1 supplier)
Holter Monitoring, 3 Channel Hook-up Kits (1 supplier)
Holter Monitoring, 2-Channel & 3-Channel Patient Cables (1 supplier)
Holter Monitoring, Printer and PC Interface Cables (1 supplier)
Holter Monitoring, Electrodes (2 suppliers)
Electrodes are very sensitive and pick up the electrical impulses of the heart. It sticks to the skin with a gel. It is stuck on the chest and attached to a small recording monitor.
Holter Monitoring, Prep Scrub Pads (1 supplier)
Holter monitoring is a continuous tape recording of a patient's EKG for 24 hours. It helps the physician correlate symptoms of dizziness, palpitations, sensation of fast or irregular heart rhythm and black outs. It also helps to evaluate the patient's EKG during episodes of chest pain.
Holter Monitoring, Clear Tape Strips (2 suppliers)
Clear Tape Strips features are secure leadwires with convenient pre-cut tape strips and are latex-free. Clear vinyl strips permit viewing of skin. It holds leadwire stress loops and saves technician's time. It is a rolled tape so no cutting is required. Tape Strips will be packed in 6 strips/card, 100 cards/pack. It is compatible for exercise or stress testing and holter monitoring.
Holter Monitoring, Patient Diaries (1 supplier)
A Patient Diary is a tool used during a clinical trial or a disease treatment to measure treatment compliance. Electronic patient diaries is also available. An electronic patient diary registers the data in a storage device and allows for monitoring the time of medication and symptoms. Patient Diary is used in the holter monitor to monitor 24 hour period and records the electrical activity of the heart over this time. Patient diaries are way to find out if a patient takes the medication according to the treatment schedule, which is an important problem during clinical trials and the treatment of degenerative diseases with relatively few symptoms.
Holter Monitoring, Reusable and Disposable Pouches (3 suppliers)
A Reusable Pouch has a barrier or faceplate that is attached to the skin with cement or adhesive. The reusable pouch can be washed and reused. Disposable pouches have a skin barrier surface that is already prepared for being applied to the skin. The disposable pouch is thrown away after being used.
Holter Monitoring, Shoulder Straps and Belt (3 suppliers)
The Holter Monitor has a shoulder strap so that the monitor box may be worn over the shoulder like a shoulder bag, or it may be clipped to a belt or pocket.
Holter Monitoring, Operator Manual (1 supplier)
Holter Monitoring, Quick Reference Card (1 supplier)
Holter Monitoring, Flash Memory Cards (1 supplier)
A Digital flash memory device is used to record the data. It is an advanced memory device which is used to record the holter monitoring activities. The data is uploaded into a computer which then automatically analyzes the input, counts ECG complexes and calculates summary statistics such as average heart rate, minimum and maximum heart rate. It helps to find candidate areas in the recording worthy of further study by the technician.
Holter Monitoring, Memory CardsReaders (1 supplier)
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