PRODUCT NAME | FDA Code/Regulation |
Fracture Bone Treatments (6 suppliers)
Bone fracture is a break or crack in a bone. The treatment for a bone fracture depends upon the type and location of the fracture and the patient's age and medical history. When a fracture is suspected, the affected area should be immobilized to prevent any further damage. Most fractures are immobilized with a cast, brace, splint, or sling. If there is severe swelling, doctor may wait until the swelling has gone down before casting the fracture.
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Fracture Bedpans (10 suppliers)
The fracture bedpan is designed for use in individuals with severe physical or mobility disabilities. It is made of strong polypropylene. This bedpan is easy to clean. It has a wedge shape to accommodate those with fractures, those who are obese, or those who are immobile. The design also enables it to be used as a female urinal.
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Female Urinals (17 suppliers)
Female urinal is a clear polypropylene moulded bottle with integral handle, anatomically shaped at the opening. It is made of unbreakable plastic that is easily rinsed clean. These are designed to fit over the vulva in women.
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First Aid Kit Boxes (72 suppliers) | |
Folded Cotton Sponge (1 supplier) | |
Flavored Dental Flosses (5 suppliers) | |
Face Moisturizers For Men (4 suppliers) | |
Felt-pad bar electrode (1 supplier)
Felt-pad bar electrode contains a large body for increased stability and solid, machined contacts to resist the wear and tear of repeated cleaning. Polarity indicators are molded into the body.
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Frameless Stereotactic CT Guided Needle Guides (3 suppliers) | |
Fetal and Vascular Dopplers (32 suppliers) | |
Fetal Electrocorticogram (1 supplier) | |
Fiberoptic Intracranial Pressure Monitor (4 suppliers) | |
Functional, Micro Recording Systems (9 suppliers)
Micro recording system is designed for functional neurosurgery centers investigating and treating single- and multi-target movement disorders. Its versatile capabilities provide support for the use of up to ten microelectrodes simultaneously. An additional four auxiliary analog input channels and two auxiliary digital input channels are also available. Each microelectrode channel features optimized analog signal conditioning circuitry and a high-speed digital signal processor allowing sophisticated real time analysis of the microelectrode signal.
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Forceps Needle Holders (197 suppliers) | |
Fiberoptic Laser Doppler Perfusion Monitors (8 suppliers) | |
Fiberoptic Surgical Headlights (22 suppliers) | |
Forceps Epilation Angled End (50 suppliers) | |
Farnsworth-Munsell 100-hue Test Kit (1 supplier)
Farnsworth-Munsell 100-hue test kit is used for determination of colour vision anomalies and colour aptitude. It is an essential test for technologists and assessors in colour and colour difference. It consists of four trays, each containing a segment of 85 colour reference disks mounted in recessed area of individual black plastic caps. Colour vision anomalies and colour aptitude are detected by the ability of testee to place colour caps in hue order.
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Fastidious Inoculum Broth (1 supplier) | |
Flexible Iris Hooks (7 suppliers)
Flexible iris hooks are suitable for trouble free phacoemulsification in vitrectomised eyes.
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Furrow Irrigation Sets (1 supplier) | |
Free Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) (5 suppliers) | |
Facility Planning Services (2 suppliers) | |
Frequency Doubling Perimetry (1 supplier)
Frequency Doubling Perimetry is designed to detect and diagnose glaucomatous visual field loss as well as other optic neuropathy loss in a variety of primary eye-care environments. Frequency doubling perimetry is a rapid and relatively inexpensive test that accurately detect established glaucoma. Frequency doubling perimetry is developed for screening populations for evidence of glaucomatous damage to the optic nerve. Frequency-doubling perimetry measures a function of a subset of specialized retinal ganglion cells by rapid reversal of black and white bars.
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Foot Braces (57 suppliers) | |
Finger Splints (31 suppliers) | |
Fume Hoods (38 suppliers)
Fume Hoods are used when chemical reagents produce a hazardous fume. These fume hoods operate more efficiently and with less noise at lower static pressure values. Fume hoods are an integral part of a chemical hygiene program as they prevent exposures by removing vapors, gases and particulates from the work area. Fume hoods are an important engineering control designed to protect laboratory workers from potential chemical exposures.
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Fluorescence Microscope Aids (5 suppliers) | |
Fluorescence Stereomicroscopes (5 suppliers) | |
Flammable Chemical Storage Cabinets (1 supplier)
Flammable Chemical Storage Cabinets are double-walled metal cabinets whose backs are securely bolted to a masonry or brick wall to prevent tipping.
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Floor Centrifuges (5 suppliers) | |
Flexible Ureteroscopes (7 suppliers)
Flexible Ureteroscopes are soft, fiber-optic bundles that allowed surgeons to illuminate and directly visualize the upper urinary tract & any urinary tract lesions. Flexible ureteroscopes are very delicate instruments, which are used in the ureter and kidney to break up stones.
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Fascial and Renal Dilation (1 supplier) | |
Fiberoptic Bronchoscopes (8 suppliers)
Fiberoptic Bronchoscopes are used for endotracheal intubation of neonates and infants. Fiberoptic bronchoscopes are used increasingly in the diagnosis and removal of FB. Fiberoptic bronchoscopes are very small and inserted through the nose. Fiberoptic bronchoscopes are used to locate the opening of the glottis when direct laryngoscopies are not used.
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Foreign Body Retrieval Magnets (2 suppliers) | |
Flare Meters (1 supplier) | |
Flieringa Scleral Fixation Rings (7 suppliers) | |
Ferguson-Frazier Suction Tubes (19 suppliers) | |
Foot Switches (7 suppliers) | |
Face Cleansers (9 suppliers) | |
Face Mask Removers (35 suppliers) | |
Face Mask Treatments (36 suppliers) | |
Face Moisturizers (12 suppliers) | |
Fecal Occult Blood Test (21 suppliers)
Fecal Occult Blood Test finds blood in the stool by placing a small sample of stool on a chemically treated card, pad or wipe. Fecal occult blood is done to check for some intestinal conditions or colorectal cancer. The fecal occult blood test is one of a variety of colorectal cancer screening tests. Fecal occult blood test is a noninvasive test that detects the presence of hidden (occult) blood in the stool. There are two types of FOBTs such as guaiac smear test and flushable reagent pads.
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Felts (6 suppliers) | |
Feminine Care Supplies (21 suppliers) | |
Feminine Supplies (11 suppliers) | |
Fetal Monitor Aids (15 suppliers) | |
Finger Exercisers (5 suppliers)
Finger Exercisers are designed to strengthen functions of the forearm, hand and fingers while developing coordination, dexterity and improved range of motion. They are also useful as an aid to rehabilitation after a finger injury.
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Flexible Stabilization Rods (1 supplier) |