
Vonco Medical

Address: 11480 Anaheim, Dallas, Texas 75229, USA
Phone: +1-(972)-247-6155 | Fax: +1-(972)-247-1815 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Vonco Medical renders hands-on information to help in the planning and implementation. We focus on aquatic therapy, balance assessment and impairment ratings. We deal with ambulation/mobility, cold therapy, electro therapy and ultrasound. We also specialize in repairing physical therapy testing equipment, modalities, whirlpools & therapy pools, exercise systems including weight machines & cardiovascular equipment.

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• Adjustable Exercise Weights
• Adjusting Benches
• Adjusting Tables
• Aluminum Canes
• Anatomical Kits
• Aquatic Exercise Floatation Belt
• Aquatic Pool Lifts
• Aquatic Pool Therapy Kits
• Aquatic Therapy Kits
• Aquatic Therapy Kits, Whirlpool Kits
• Aquatic Therapy, Accessories
• Assessment Equipment
• Automotive Diagnostic Equipment
• Balance Assessment & Training Kits
• Balance Assessment Devices
• Balance Systems
• Biceps Exercise Weights
• Bicycles & Treadmills
• Biofeedback & Electrotherapy
• Biofeedback Electrodes
• Biofeedback Machines
• Biofeedback Systems
• Body Composition Analyzer (FDA Code: MNW / 870.2770)
An impedance plethysmograph is a device used to estimate peripheral blood flow by measuring electrical impedance changes in a region of the body such as the arms and legs.
• Braces & Collars
• Burst Resistant Exercise Balls
• Canes Folders With Seat
• Cardiac Treadmills
• Cardiovascular Equipment Kits
• Cardiovasculars
• Carpel Tunnel Kits
• Cervical Beds Pillows
• Cervical Traction Equipment
• Cervical Traction System
• Chiropractic Goniometers
• Chiropractic Tens Kits
• Cold Therapy Kit
• Collars
• Computerized Assessment Devices
• Continuing Education Service
• Cryotherapy Kits
• Diagnostic Equipment
• Diagnostics Devices, Diathermy
• Dry Hydrotherapy Kits
• Education Service
• Electric Stimulator
• Electrical Stimulators
• Electro Diagnostic Equipment
• Electrode Belts
• Electrodes, Ultrasound Gel
• Electromedical Conductive Gels

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