PRODUCT NAME | FDA Code/Regulation |
Cuff Spreader (7 suppliers) Identification. A cuff spreader is a device used to install tracheal tube cuffs on tracheal or tracheostomy tubes. Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter subject to the limitations in 868.9. If the device is not labeled or otherwise represented as sterile, it is exempt from the current good manufacturing practice requirements of the quality system regulation in part 820 of this chapter, with the exception of 820.180, with respect to general requirements concerning records, and 820.198, with respect to complaint files. | CBG / 868.5760 |
Culdoscope and Accessories (9 suppliers) Identification. A culdoscope is a device designed to permit direct viewing of the organs within the peritoneum by a telescopic system introduced into the pelvic cavity through the posterior vaginal fornix. It is used to perform diagnostic and surgical procedures on the female genital organs. This generic type of device may include trocar and cannula, instruments used through an operating channel, scope preheaters, light source and cables, and component parts. Classification. (1) Class II (performance standards). | HEW / 884.1640 |
Culdoscopic Coagulator and Accessories (4 suppliers) Identification. A unipolar endoscopic coagulator-cutter is a device designed to destroy tissue with high temperatures by directing a high frequency electrical current through the tissue between an energized probe and a grounding plate. It is used in female sterilization and in other operative procedures under endoscopic observation. This generic type of device may include the following accessories: an electrical generator, probes and electrical cables, and a patient grounding plate. This generic type of device does not include devices used to perform female sterilization under hysteroscopic observation. Classification. Class II (performance standards). | HFI / 884.4160 |
Culture Media Quality Control Kit (21 suppliers) Identification. A quality control kit for culture media is a device that consists of paper discs (or other suitable materials), each impregnated with a specified, freeze-dried, viable microorganism, intended for medical purposes to determine if a given culture medium is able to support the growth of that microorganism. The device aids in the diagnosis of disease caused by pathogenic microorganisms and also provides epidemiological information on these diseases. Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter subject to the limitations in 866.9. | JTR / 866.2480 |
Culture Media Supplements (32 suppliers) Identification. A supplement for culture media is a device, such as a vitamin or sugar mixture, that is added to a solid or liquid basal culture medium to produce a desired formulation and that is intended for medical purposes to enhance the growth of fastidious microorganisms (those having complex nutritional requirements). This device aids in the diagnosis of diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter subject to the limitations in 866.9. | JSK / 866.2450 |
Cultured Animal and Human Cells (10 suppliers) Identification. Cultured animal and human cells are in vitro cultivated cell lines from the tissue of humans or other animals which are used in various diagnostic procedures, particularly diagnostic virology and cytogenetic studies. Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter subject to 864.9. | KIR / 864.2280 |
Cultured Epithelial Autograft (1 supplier) | OCE |
Curettes (198 suppliers) Identification. A manual surgical instrument for general use is a nonpowered, hand-held, or hand-manipulated device, either reusable or disposable, intended to be used in various general surgical procedures. The device includes the applicator, clip applier, biopsy brush, manual dermabrasion brush, scrub brush, cannula, ligature carrier, chisel, clamp, contractor, curette, cutter, dissector, elevator, skin graft expander, file, forceps, gouge, instrument guide, needle guide, hammer, hemostat, amputation hook, ligature passing and knot-tying instrument, knife, blood lancet, mallet, disposable or reusable aspiration and injection needle, disposable or reusable suturing needle, osteotome, pliers, rasp, retainer, retractor, saw, scalpel blade, scalpel handle, one-piece scalpel, snare, spatula, stapler, disposable or reusable stripper, stylet, suturing apparatus for the stomach and intestine, measuring tape, and calipers. A surgical instrument that has specialized uses in a specific medical specialty is classified in separate regulations in parts 868 through 892. Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter, subject to the limitations in 878.9. | HTF / 878.4800 |
Custom Anesthesia Kit (5 suppliers) Identification. An anesthesia conduction catheter is a flexible tubular device used to inject local anesthetics into a patient and to provide continuous regional anesthesia. Classification. Class II (performance standards). | OGD / 868.5120 |
Cutaneous Carbon-Dioxide Monitor (9 suppliers) Identification. A cutaneous carbon dioxide (PcCO2) monitor is a noninvasive heated sensor and a pH-sensitive glass electrode placed on a patient's skin, which is intended to monitor relative changes in a hemodynamically stable patient's cutaneous carbon dioxide tension as an adjunct to arterial carbon dioxide tension measurement. Classification. Class II (special controls). The special control for this device is FDA's "Class II Special Controls Guidance Document: Cutaneous Carbon Dioxide (PcCO2) and Oxygen (PcO2) Monitors; Guidance for Industry and FDA." See 868.1(e) for the availability of this guidance document. | LKD / 868.2480 |
Cutaneous Electrode (112 suppliers) Identification. A cutaneous electrode is an electrode that is applied directly to a patient's skin either to record physiological signals (e.g., the electroencephalogram) or to apply electrical stimulation. Classification. Class II (performance standards). | GXY / 882.1320 |
Cutaneous Oxygen Monitor for Infant (6 suppliers) Identification. A cutaneous oxygen (PcO2) monitor is a noninvasive, heated sensor (e.g., a Clark-type polargraphic electrode) placed on the patient's skin that is intended to monitor relative changes in the cutaneous oxygen tension. Classification. Class II (special controls). The special control for this device is FDA's "Class II Special Controls Guidance Document: Cutaneous Carbon Dioxide (PcCO2) and Oxygen (PcO2) Monitors; Guidance for Industry and FDA." See 868.1(e) for the availability of this guidance document. | KLK / 868.2500 |
Cutting/Scoring Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (Ptca) Catheter (4 suppliers) | NWX |
Cyanomethemoglobin (1 supplier) Identification. A whole blood hemoglobin assay is a device consisting or reagents, calibrators, controls, or photometric or spectrophotometric instrumentation used to measure the hemoglobin content of whole blood for the detection of anemia. This generic device category does not include automated hemoglobin systems. Classification. Class II (performance standards). | GKK / 864.7500 |
Cyclic AMP Radioimmunoassay Test (3 suppliers) Identification. A cyclic AMP test system is a device intended to measure the level of adenosine 3', 5'-monophosphate (cyclic AMP) in plasma, urine, and other body fluids. Cyclic AMP measurements are used in the diagnosis and treatment of endocrine disorders, including hyperparathyroidism (overactivity of the parathyroid gland). Cyclic AMP measurements may also be used in the diagnosis and treatment of Graves' disease (a disorder of the thyroid) and in the differentiation of causes of hypercalcemia (elevated levels of serum calcium.) Classification. Class II. | CHO / 862.1230 |
Cyclic GMP Radioimmunoassay Test (3 suppliers) Identification. A cyclic AMP test system is a device intended to measure the level of adenosine 3', 5'-monophosphate (cyclic AMP) in plasma, urine, and other body fluids. Cyclic AMP measurements are used in the diagnosis and treatment of endocrine disorders, including hyperparathyroidism (overactivity of the parathyroid gland). Cyclic AMP measurements may also be used in the diagnosis and treatment of Graves' disease (a disorder of the thyroid) and in the differentiation of causes of hypercalcemia (elevated levels of serum calcium.) Classification. Class II. | CGT / 862.1230 |
Cyclosporine (6 suppliers) Identification. A cyclosporine test system is a device intended to quantitatively determine cyclosporine concentrations as an aid in the management of transplant patients receiving therapy with this drug. This generic type of device includes immunoassays and chromatographic assays for cyclosporine. Classification. Class II (special controls). The special control is "Class II Special Controls Guidance Document: Cyclosporine and Tacrolimus Assays; Guidance for Industry and FDA." See 862.1(d) for the availability of this guidance document. | MKW / 862.1235 |
Cyclosporine and Metabolites Serum Assay (5 suppliers) Identification. A cyclosporine test system is a device intended to quantitatively determine cyclosporine concentrations as an aid in the management of transplant patients receiving therapy with this drug. This generic type of device includes immunoassays and chromatographic assays for cyclosporine. Classification. Class II (special controls). The special control is "Class II Special Controls Guidance Document: Cyclosporine and Tacrolimus Assays; Guidance for Industry and FDA." See 862.1(d) for the availability of this guidance document. | MAR / 862.1235 |
Cyclosporine High Performance Liquid Chromatography (6 suppliers) Identification. A cyclosporine test system is a device intended to quantitatively determine cyclosporine concentrations as an aid in the management of transplant patients receiving therapy with this drug. This generic type of device includes immunoassays and chromatographic assays for cyclosporine. Classification. Class II (special controls). The special control is "Class II Special Controls Guidance Document: Cyclosporine and Tacrolimus Assays; Guidance for Industry and FDA." See 862.1(d) for the availability of this guidance document. | MGS / 862.1235 |
Cylinder/Pipeline Gas Pressure Gauge (13 suppliers) Identification. A gas pressure gauge (e.g., bourdon tube pressure gauge) is a device intended for medical purposes that is used to measure gas pressure in a medical gas delivery system. Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter subject to the limitations in 868.9. | BXH / 868.2610 |
Cystatin C Test (11 suppliers) Identification. A creatinine test system is a device intended to measure creatinine levels in plasma and urine. Creatinine measurements are used in the diagnosis and treatment of renal diseases, in monitoring renal dialysis, and as a calculation basis for measuring other urine analytes. Classification. Class II. | NDY / 862.1225 |
Cysticercosis Reagent (4 suppliers) | MDJ / 866.3200 |
Cystine Chromatographic Test (2 suppliers) Identification. A cystine test system is a device intended to measure the amino acid cystine in urine. Cystine measurements are used in the diagnosis of cystinuria (occurrence of cystine in urine). Patients with cystinuria frequently develop kidney calculi (stones). Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter subject to 862.9. | JLD / 862.1240 |
Cystine Nitroprusside Reaction (Qualitative, Urine) (1 supplier) Identification. A cystine test system is a device intended to measure the amino acid cystine in urine. Cystine measurements are used in the diagnosis of cystinuria (occurrence of cystine in urine). Patients with cystinuria frequently develop kidney calculi (stones). Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter subject to 862.9. | JLC / 862.1240 |
Cystometric Gas on Hydraulic Device (11 suppliers) Identification. A urodynamics measurement system is a device used to measure volume and pressure in the urinary bladder when it is filled through a catheter with carbon dioxide or water. The device controls the supply of carbon dioxide or water and may also record the electrical activity of the muscles associated with urination. The device system may include transducers, electronic signal conditioning and display equipment, a catheter withdrawal device to enable a urethral pressure profile to be obtained, and special catheters for urethral profilometry and electrodes for electromyography. This generic type of device includes the cystometric gas (carbon dioxide) device, the cystometric hydrualic device, and the electrical recording cystometer, but excludes any device that uses air to fill the bladder. Classification. Class II (special controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter subject to 876.9. | FAP / 876.1620 |
Cystoscopic Rongeur (1 supplier) Identification. An endoscope and accessories is a device used to provide access, illumination, and allow observation or manipulation of body cavities, hollow organs, and canals. The device consists of various rigid or flexible instruments that are inserted into body spaces and may include an optical system for conveying an image to the user's eye and their accessories may assist in gaining access or increase the versatility and augment the capabilities of the devices. Examples of devices that are within this generic type of device include cleaning accessories for endoscopes, photographic accessories for endoscopes, nonpowered anoscopes, binolcular attachments for endoscopes, pocket battery boxes, flexible or rigid choledochoscopes, colonoscopes, diagnostic cystoscopes, cystourethroscopes, enteroscopes, esophagogastroduodenoscopes, rigid esophagoscopes, fiberoptic illuminators for endoscopes, incandescent endoscope lamps, biliary pancreatoscopes, proctoscopes, resectoscopes, nephroscopes, sigmoidoscopes, ureteroscopes, urethroscopes, endomagnetic retrievers, cytology brushes for endoscopes, and lubricating jelly for transurethral surgical instruments. This section does not apply to endoscopes that have specialized uses in other medical specialty areas and that are covered by classification regulations in other parts of the device classification regulations. Classification. (1) Class II (performance standards). | FBI / 876.1500 |
Cystoscopic Scissors (16 suppliers) Identification. An endoscope and accessories is a device used to provide access, illumination, and allow observation or manipulation of body cavities, hollow organs, and canals. The device consists of various rigid or flexible instruments that are inserted into body spaces and may include an optical system for conveying an image to the user's eye and their accessories may assist in gaining access or increase the versatility and augment the capabilities of the devices. Examples of devices that are within this generic type of device include cleaning accessories for endoscopes, photographic accessories for endoscopes, nonpowered anoscopes, binolcular attachments for endoscopes, pocket battery boxes, flexible or rigid choledochoscopes, colonoscopes, diagnostic cystoscopes, cystourethroscopes, enteroscopes, esophagogastroduodenoscopes, rigid esophagoscopes, fiberoptic illuminators for endoscopes, incandescent endoscope lamps, biliary pancreatoscopes, proctoscopes, resectoscopes, nephroscopes, sigmoidoscopes, ureteroscopes, urethroscopes, endomagnetic retrievers, cytology brushes for endoscopes, and lubricating jelly for transurethral surgical instruments. This section does not apply to endoscopes that have specialized uses in other medical specialty areas and that are covered by classification regulations in other parts of the device classification regulations. Classification. (1) Class II (performance standards). | KGD / 876.1500 |
Cystotome (47 suppliers) Identification. A manual ophthalmic surgical instrument is a nonpowered, handheld device intended to aid or perform ophthalmic surgical procedures. This generic type of device includes the manual corneal burr, ophthalmic caliper, ophthalmic cannula, eyelid clamp, ophthalmic muscle clamp, iris retractor clip, orbital compressor, ophthalmic curette, cystotome, orbital depressor, lachrymal dilator, erisophake, expressor, ophthalmic forcep, ophthalmic hook, sphere introducer, ophthalmic knife, ophthalmic suturing needle, lachrymal probe, trabeculotomy probe, cornea-sclera punch, ophthalmic retractor, ophthalmic ring (Flieringa), lachrymal sac rongeur, ophthalmic scissors, enucleating snare, ophthalmic spatula, ophthalmic specula, ophthalmic spoon, ophthalmic spud, trabeculotome or ophthalmic manual trephine. Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter, subject to the limitations in 886.9. | HNY / 886.4350 |
Cystourethroscope (13 suppliers) Identification. An endoscope and accessories is a device used to provide access, illumination, and allow observation or manipulation of body cavities, hollow organs, and canals. The device consists of various rigid or flexible instruments that are inserted into body spaces and may include an optical system for conveying an image to the user's eye and their accessories may assist in gaining access or increase the versatility and augment the capabilities of the devices. Examples of devices that are within this generic type of device include cleaning accessories for endoscopes, photographic accessories for endoscopes, nonpowered anoscopes, binolcular attachments for endoscopes, pocket battery boxes, flexible or rigid choledochoscopes, colonoscopes, diagnostic cystoscopes, cystourethroscopes, enteroscopes, esophagogastroduodenoscopes, rigid esophagoscopes, fiberoptic illuminators for endoscopes, incandescent endoscope lamps, biliary pancreatoscopes, proctoscopes, resectoscopes, nephroscopes, sigmoidoscopes, ureteroscopes, urethroscopes, endomagnetic retrievers, cytology brushes for endoscopes, and lubricating jelly for transurethral surgical instruments. This section does not apply to endoscopes that have specialized uses in other medical specialty areas and that are covered by classification regulations in other parts of the device classification regulations. Classification. (1) Class II (performance standards). | FBO / 876.1500 |
Cytocentrifuge (18 suppliers) Identification. A cytocentrifuge is a centrifuge used to concentrate cells from biological cell suspensions (e.g., cerebrospinal fluid) and to deposit these cells on a glass microscope slide for cytological examination. Classification. Class I (general controls). This device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter subject to the limitations in 864.9. | IFB / 864.3300 |
Cytochemical, Acid Phosphatase (9 suppliers) Identification. Dye and chemical solution stains for medical purposes are mixtures of synthetic or natural dyes or nondye chemicals in solutions used in staining cells and tissues for diagnostic histopathology, cytopathology, or hematology. Classification. Class I (general controls). These devices are exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter subject to the limitations in 864.9. These devices are also exempt from the current good manufacturing practice requirements of the quality system regulation in part 820 of this chapter, with the exception of 820.180, with respect to general requirements concerning records, and 820.198, with respect to complaint files. | JCI / 864.1850 |
Cytochrome P450 2c9 (Cyp450 2c9) Drug Metabolizing Enzyme Genotyping System (3 suppliers) Identification. A drug metabolizing enzyme genotyping system is a device intended for use in testing deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) extracted from clinical samples to identify the presence or absence of human genotypic markers encoding a drug metabolizing enzyme. This device is used as an aid in determining treatment choice and individualizing treatment dose for therapeutics that are metabolized primarily by the specific enzyme about which the system provides genotypic information. Classification. Class II (special controls). The special control is FDA's guidance document entitled "Class II Special Controls Guidance Document: Drug Metabolizing Enzyme Genotyping Test System." See 862.1(d) for the availability of this guidance document. | ODW / 862.3360 |
Cytokeratins (4 suppliers) Identification. An immunoglobulin (light chain specific) immunological test system is a device that consists of the reagents used to measure by immunochemical techniques both kappa and lambda types of light chain portions of immunoglobulin molecules in serum, other body fluids, and tissues. In some disease states, an excess of light chains are produced by the antibody-forming cells. These free light chains, unassociated with gamma globulin molecules, can be found in a patient's body fluids and tissues. Measurement of the various amounts of the different types of light chains aids in the diagnosis of multiple myeloma (cancer of antibody-forming cells), lymphocytic neoplasms (cancer of lymphoid tissue), Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia (increased production of large immunoglobulins), and connective tissue diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus erythematosus. Classification. Class II (performance standards). | LYE / 866.5550 |
Cytological Collection Fluid (2 suppliers) | LTY |
Cytological Preservative (15 suppliers) | LEA / 864.4010 |
Cytology Cervical Spatula (47 suppliers) Identification. An obstetric-gynecologic specialized manual instrument is one of a group of devices used during obstetric-gynecologic procedures to perform manipulative diagnostic and surgical functions (e.g., dilating, grasping, measuring, and scraping), where structural integrity is the chief criterion of device performance. This type of device consists of the following: Classification. (1) Class II (performance standards). | HHT / 884.4530 |
Cytomegalovirus CF Antigen (7 suppliers) Identification. Cytomegalovirus serological reagents are devices that consist of antigens and antisera used in serological tests to identify antibodies to cytomegalovirus in serum. The identification aids in the diagnosis of diseases caused by cytomegaloviruses (principally cytomegalic inclusion disease) and provides epidemiological information on these diseases. Cytomegalic inclusion disease is a generalized infection of infants and is caused by intrauterine or early postnatal infection with the virus. The disease may cause severe congenital abnormalities, such as microcephaly (abnormal smallness of the head), motor disability, and mental retardation. Cytomegalovirus infection has also been associated with acquired hemolytic anemia, acute and chronic hepatitis, and an infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome. Classification. Class II (performance standards). | GQH / 866.3175 |
Cytomegalovirus CF Antiserum Test (5 suppliers) Identification. Cytomegalovirus serological reagents are devices that consist of antigens and antisera used in serological tests to identify antibodies to cytomegalovirus in serum. The identification aids in the diagnosis of diseases caused by cytomegaloviruses (principally cytomegalic inclusion disease) and provides epidemiological information on these diseases. Cytomegalic inclusion disease is a generalized infection of infants and is caused by intrauterine or early postnatal infection with the virus. The disease may cause severe congenital abnormalities, such as microcephaly (abnormal smallness of the head), motor disability, and mental retardation. Cytomegalovirus infection has also been associated with acquired hemolytic anemia, acute and chronic hepatitis, and an infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome. Classification. Class II (performance standards). | GQI / 866.3175 |
Cytomegalovirus Conjugated Fluorescent Antisera Test (8 suppliers) Identification. Cytomegalovirus serological reagents are devices that consist of antigens and antisera used in serological tests to identify antibodies to cytomegalovirus in serum. The identification aids in the diagnosis of diseases caused by cytomegaloviruses (principally cytomegalic inclusion disease) and provides epidemiological information on these diseases. Cytomegalic inclusion disease is a generalized infection of infants and is caused by intrauterine or early postnatal infection with the virus. The disease may cause severe congenital abnormalities, such as microcephaly (abnormal smallness of the head), motor disability, and mental retardation. Cytomegalovirus infection has also been associated with acquired hemolytic anemia, acute and chronic hepatitis, and an infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome. Classification. Class II (performance standards). | LIN / 866.3175 |
Cytomegalovirus DNA Reagents (1 supplier) Identification. Cytomegalovirus serological reagents are devices that consist of antigens and antisera used in serological tests to identify antibodies to cytomegalovirus in serum. The identification aids in the diagnosis of diseases caused by cytomegaloviruses (principally cytomegalic inclusion disease) and provides epidemiological information on these diseases. Cytomegalic inclusion disease is a generalized infection of infants and is caused by intrauterine or early postnatal infection with the virus. The disease may cause severe congenital abnormalities, such as microcephaly (abnormal smallness of the head), motor disability, and mental retardation. Cytomegalovirus infection has also been associated with acquired hemolytic anemia, acute and chronic hepatitis, and an infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome. Classification. Class II (performance standards). | LSO / 866.3175 |
Cytomegalovirus Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay (15 suppliers) Identification. Cytomegalovirus serological reagents are devices that consist of antigens and antisera used in serological tests to identify antibodies to cytomegalovirus in serum. The identification aids in the diagnosis of diseases caused by cytomegaloviruses (principally cytomegalic inclusion disease) and provides epidemiological information on these diseases. Cytomegalic inclusion disease is a generalized infection of infants and is caused by intrauterine or early postnatal infection with the virus. The disease may cause severe congenital abnormalities, such as microcephaly (abnormal smallness of the head), motor disability, and mental retardation. Cytomegalovirus infection has also been associated with acquired hemolytic anemia, acute and chronic hepatitis, and an infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome. Classification. Class II (performance standards). | LFZ / 866.3175 |
Cytomegalovirus IHA Antigen Test (4 suppliers) Identification. Cytomegalovirus serological reagents are devices that consist of antigens and antisera used in serological tests to identify antibodies to cytomegalovirus in serum. The identification aids in the diagnosis of diseases caused by cytomegaloviruses (principally cytomegalic inclusion disease) and provides epidemiological information on these diseases. Cytomegalic inclusion disease is a generalized infection of infants and is caused by intrauterine or early postnatal infection with the virus. The disease may cause severe congenital abnormalities, such as microcephaly (abnormal smallness of the head), motor disability, and mental retardation. Cytomegalovirus infection has also been associated with acquired hemolytic anemia, acute and chronic hepatitis, and an infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome. Classification. Class II (performance standards). | LJO / 866.3175 |
Cytomegalovirus Virus IF Antibody Igm Test (8 suppliers) Identification. Cytomegalovirus serological reagents are devices that consist of antigens and antisera used in serological tests to identify antibodies to cytomegalovirus in serum. The identification aids in the diagnosis of diseases caused by cytomegaloviruses (principally cytomegalic inclusion disease) and provides epidemiological information on these diseases. Cytomegalic inclusion disease is a generalized infection of infants and is caused by intrauterine or early postnatal infection with the virus. The disease may cause severe congenital abnormalities, such as microcephaly (abnormal smallness of the head), motor disability, and mental retardation. Cytomegalovirus infection has also been associated with acquired hemolytic anemia, acute and chronic hepatitis, and an infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome. Classification. Class II (performance standards). | LKQ / 866.3175 |
Cytology Slide Stainer (3 suppliers) | |
Cryobiological Storage Container (1 supplier) | |
Culture Plate (6 suppliers) | |
Chemical Hot Pack (4 suppliers) | |
Chemical Sterilization Process Indicator (15 suppliers) | |
Chest Binder (6 suppliers) | |
Chest Drainage Kit (5 suppliers) |