
Stephens Instruments

Address: 2500 Sandersville Rd, Lexington, Kentucky 40511, USA
Phone: +1-(859)-259-4924, | Fax: +1-(859)-259-4926 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Stephens Instruments manufactures and distributes microsurgical instruments for ophthalmology. Our product range includes both reusable as well as disposable instruments. We offer customized sets for glaucoma, cataract, refractive, lacrimal and foreign body. We also offer plastic sterilizing trays, sapphire knives, prosthetic eyes, spheres, and trial sets. Our trays are more durable than stainless steel, as they do not rust over time from use in the autoclave. Our spheres are made of clear acrylic material and are strong & durable. Our spheres are available with both grooves and without grooves.

The company has revenues of USD 1-5 Million.

1 to 50 of 86 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  Page: [1] 2 >> Next 50 Results
• Adson Needle Holder
• Barraquer Wire Specula
• Castroviejo Calipers
• Castroviejo Corneal Scissors
• Castroviejo Curved Ophthalmic Caliper
• Castroviejo Double Ended Lacrimal Dilator
• Castroviejo Straight Ophthalmic Caliper
• Cataract Knife
• Cilia Forceps
• Corneal Scissors
• Corneoscleral Punch
• Curved Iris Scissors
• Cyclodialysis Cannula
• Cyclodialysis Spatulas
• Disposable Lacrimal Dilators
• Disposable Ophthalmic Cannulae
• Dissecting Scalpel Blades
• Double Ended Lacrimal Dilator
• Double Ended Lacrimal Probe
• Endocapsular Controller
• Enucleation Scissors
• Enucleation Scissors Slightly Curved
• Eye Bank Set
• Eye Irrigation Kit
• Eyelid Specula, Barraquer Wire Specula
• Full Handle Implant Blades
• Full Handle Microsurgical Knives
• Infant Lacrimal Dilator
• Iris Scissors
• Keratome Knife
• Lacrimal Cannula
• Lacrimal Dilator (FDA Code: HNW / 886.4350)
A manual ophthalmic surgical instrument is a nonpowered, handheld device intended to aid or perform ophthalmic surgical procedures. This generic type of device includes the manual corneal burr, ophthalmic caliper, ophthalmic cannula, eyelid clamp, ophthalmic muscle clamp, iris retractor clip, orbital compressor, ophthalmic curette, cystotome, orbital depressor, lachrymal dilator, erisophake, expressor, ophthalmic forcep, ophthalmic hook, sphere introducer, ophthalmic knife, ophthalmic suturing needle, lachrymal probe, trabeculotomy probe, cornea-sclera punch, ophthalmic retractor, ophthalmic ring (Flieringa), lachrymal sac rongeur, ophthalmic scissors, enucleating snare, ophthalmic spatula, ophthalmic specula, ophthalmic spoon, ophthalmic spud, trabeculotome or ophthalmic manual trephine.
• Lacrimal Dilators and Cannulas
• Lacrimal Dilators and Probes
• Lacrimal Probes (FDA Code: HNL / 886.4350)
• Lens Folding Forceps
• Lens Insertion Forceps
• Micro Ophthalmic Scissors
• Mini Sterilization Trays
• Mini-Lacrimal Probes
• Modified Castroviejo corneal scissors
• Nucleus Spatula
• Ophthalmic Aspiration Cannula (FDA Code: HMX / 886.4350)
• Ophthalmic Caliper (FDA Code: HOE / 886.4350)
• Ophthalmic Cannula (FDA Code: HMX / 886.4350)
• Ophthalmic Forceps (FDA Code: HNR / 886.4350)
• Ophthalmic Hook (FDA Code: HNQ / 886.4350)
• Ophthalmic Knife (FDA Code: HNN / 886.4350)
• Ophthalmic Needles
• Ophthalmic Probe

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