

Address: 12076 Santa Fe Drive, P.O. Box 14428, Lenexa, Kansas 66215, USA
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Profile: Remel offers a wide range of microbiology products that are used in the clinical, industrial, research and academic laboratories. Our products help diagnose infection quickly and accurately, providing clinicians with information to provide proper & effective treatment. Our product category comprises of collection & transport, diagnostic tests, direct specimen tests, laboratory supplies, reagents & stains and prepared culture media. Our MicroTest™ transport products are used in the collection and transport of viruses, chlamydiae, and mycoplasma. They are available in 1.5 ml and 3 ml media volume, & accommodate multiple tests on the same specimen. They are compatible with culture, immunoassay, and molecular diagnostic techniques. Our Spectra™ MRSA® is a selective chromogenic medium intended for use in the detection of nasal colonization of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Its easy-to-use, and easy-to-read format enables cost-effective MRSA testing with final results within 24 hours, seven days a week. It can screen more patients, on more shifts in more hospitals.

The company was founded in 1973, has ~20 employees. NYSE:TMO (SEC Filings)

FDA Registration Number: 1031428

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• 2 Herpesvirus Hominis 1 CF Antigen (FDA Code: GQN / 866.3305)
• 2 Herpesvirus Hominis 1 Fluorescent Antisera (FDA Code: GQL / 866.3305)
• Abnormal Plasma Control (FDA Code: GGC / 864.5425)
A multipurpose system for in vitro coagulation studies is a device consisting of one automated or semiautomated instrument and its associated reagents and controls. The system is used to perform a series of coagulation studies and coagulation factor assays.
• Acetaminophen Colorimetry Test (FDA Code: LDP / 862.3030)
An acetaminophen test system is a device intended to measure acetaminophen, an analgestic and fever reducing drug, in serum. Measurements obtained by this device are used in the diagnosis and treatment of acetaminophen overdose.
• Acid Containing Decalcifier Pathology Solution (FDA Code: KDX / 864.4010)
• Acid Containing Fixative (FDA Code: LDW / 864.4010)
• Acid Phosphatase, Naphthyl Phosphate Test (FDA Code: CKB / 862.1020)
An acid phosphatase (total or prostatic) test system is a device intended to measure the activity of the acid phosphatase enzyme in plasma and serum.
• Activated Partial Thromboplastin (FDA Code: GFO / 864.7925)
A partial thromboplastin time test is a device used for primary screening for coagulation abnormalities, for evaluation of the effect of therapy on procoagulant disorders, and as an assay for coagulation factor deficiencies of the intrinsic coagulation pathway.
• Alcian Blue Stain (FDA Code: IDA / 864.1850)
Dye and chemical solution stains for medical purposes are mixtures of synthetic or natural dyes or nondye chemicals in solutions used in staining cells and tissues for diagnostic histopathology, cytopathology, or hematology.
• Alcohol Containing Fixative (FDA Code: LDZ / 864.4010)
• Alcohol Control Materials (FDA Code: DKC / 862.3280)
A clinical toxicology control material is a device intended to provide an estimation of the precision of a device test system and to detect and monitor systematic deviations from accuracy resulting from reagent or instrument defects. This generic type of device includes various single, and multi-analyte control materials.
• Alkaline Picrate Creatinine Colorimetric Method (FDA Code: CGX / 862.1225)
A creatinine test system is a device intended to measure creatinine levels in plasma and urine. Creatinine measurements are used in the diagnosis and treatment of renal diseases, in monitoring renal dialysis, and as a calculation basis for measuring other urine analytes.
• Alpha-2-HS-Glycoprotein (FDA Code: DEF / 866.5425)
Analpha -2-glycoproteins immunolgical test system is a device that consists of the reagents used to measure by immunochemical techniques thealpha -2-glycoproteins (a group of plasma proteins found in thealpha- 2 group when subjected to electrophoresis) in serum and other body fluids. Measurement ofalpha -2-glycoproteins aids in the diagnosis of some cancers and genetically inherited deficiencies of these plasma proteins.
• Amikacin Radioimmunoassay Test (FDA Code: KLQ / 862.3035)
An amikacin test system is a device intended to measure amikacin, an aminoglycoside antibiotic drug, in serum and plasma. Measurements obtained by this device are used in the diagnosis and treatment of amikacin overdose and in monitoring levels of amikacin to ensure appropriate therapy.
• Ammonia Enzymatic Method Test (FDA Code: JIF / 862.1065)
An ammonia test system is a device intended to measure ammonia levels in blood, serum, and plasma, Ammonia measurements are used in the diagnosis and treatment of severe liver disorders, such as cirrhosis, hepatitis, and Reye's syndrome.
• Amphetamine Enzyme Immunoassay Test (FDA Code: DKZ / 862.3100)
An amphetamine test system is a device intended to measure amphetamine, a central nervous system stimulating drug, in plasma and urine. Measurements obtained by this device are used in the diagnosis and treatment of amphetamine use or overdose and in monitoring levels of amphetamine to ensure appropriate therapy.
• Amylase Catalytic Method Test (FDA Code: JFJ / 862.1070)
An amylase test system is a device intended to measure the activity of the enzyme amylase in serum and urine. Amylase measurements are used primarily for the diagnosis and treatment of pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas).
• Amylase Starch-Dye Bound Polymer Test (FDA Code: CIW / 862.1070)
• Anaerobic Identification Kit
• Anaerobic Identification Kit Test (FDA Code: JSP / 866.2660)
A microorganism differentiation and identification device is a device intended for medical purposes that consists of one or more components, such as differential culture media, biochemical reagents, and paper discs or paper strips impregnated with test reagents, that are usually contained in individual compartments and used to differentiate and identify selected microorganisms. The device aids in the diagnosis of disease.
• Anaerobic Transport Culture Media (FDA Code: JSL / 866.2390)
A transport culture medium is a device that consists of a semisolid, usually non-nutrient, medium that maintains the viability of suspected pathogens contained in patient specimens while in transit from the specimen collection area to the laboratory. The device aids in the diagnosis of disease caused by pathogenic microorganisms and also provides epidemiological information on these diseases.
• Analyte Specific Reagents, Asr Reagents (FDA Code: MVU / 864.4020)
Analyte specific reagents (ASR's) are antibodies, both polyclonal and monoclonal, specific receptor proteins, ligands, nucleic acid sequences, and similar reagents which, through specific binding or chemical reaction with substances in a specimen, are intended for use in a diagnostic application for identification and quantification of an individual chemical substance or ligand in biological specimens. ASR's that otherwise fall within this definition are not within the scope of subpart E of this part when they are sold to:
• Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Radioassay (FDA Code: KQN / 862.1090)
An angiotensin converting enzyme (A.C.E.) test system is a device intended to measure the activity of angiotensin converting enzyme in serum and plasma. Measurements obtained by this device are used in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases such as sarcoidosis, a disease characterized by the formation of nodules in the lungs, bones, and skin, and Gaucher's disease, a hereditary disorder affecting the spleen.
• Aniline Blue Stain (FDA Code: KFD / 864.1850)
• Anti-Seizure Drug Immunoassay (FDA Code: NWM / 862.3350)
A diphenylhydantoin test system is a device intended to measure diphenylhydantoin, an antiepileptic drug, in human specimens. Measurements obtained by this device are used in the diagnosis and treatment of diphenylhydantoin overdose and in monitoring levels of diphenylhydantoin to ensure appropriate therapy.
• Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test Culture Media (FDA Code: JSO / 866.1700)
A culture medium for antimicrobial susceptibility tests is a device intended for medical purposes that consists of any medium capable of supporting the growth of many of the bacterial pathogens that are subject to antimicrobial susceptibility tests. The medium should be free of components known to be antagonistic to the common agents for which susceptibility tests are performed in the treatment of disease.
• Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (ANCA) Test System (FDA Code: MOB / 866.5660)
A multiple autoantibodies immunological test system is a device that consists of the reagents used to measure by immunochemical techniques the autoantibodies (antibodies produced against the body's own tissues) in serum and other body fluids. Measurement of multiple autoantibodies aids in the diagnosis of autoimmune disorders (disease produced when the body's own tissues are injured by autoantibodies).
• Antisera, Control for Non-Treponemal Test (FDA Code: GMP / 866.3820)
• Antistreptolysin-Titer/Streptolysin O Reagent (FDA Code: GTQ / 866.3720)
• Assayed and Unassayed Single (Specified) Analyte Controls (FDA Code: JJX / 862.1660)
A quality control material (assayed and unassayed) for clinical chemistry is a device intended for medical purposes for use in a test system to estimate test precision and to detect systematic analytical deviations that may arise from reagent or analytical instrument variation. A quality control material (assayed and unassayed) may be used for proficiency testing in interlaboratory surveys. This generic type of device includes controls (assayed and unassayed) for blood gases, electrolytes, enzymes, multianalytes (all kinds), single (specified) analytes, or urinalysis controls.
• Assisted Reproduction Labware (FDA Code: MQK / 884.6160)
Assisted reproduction labware consists of laboratory equipment or supplies intended to prepare, store, manipulate, or transfer human gametes or embryos for in vitro fertilization (IVF), gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT), or other assisted reproduction procedures. These include syringes, IVF tissue culture dishes, IVF tissue culture plates, pipette tips, dishes, plates, and other vessels that come into physical contact with gametes, embryos or tissue culture media.
• Ast/Sgot Nadh Oxidation/Nad Reduction (FDA Code: CIT / 862.1100)
An aspartate amino transferase (AST/SGOT) test system is a device intended to measure the activity of the enzyme aspartate amino transferase (AST) (also known as a serum glutamic oxaloacetic transferase or SGOT) in serum and plasma. Aspartate amino transferase measurements are used in the diagnosis and treatment of certain types of liver and heart disease.
• Automated Coagulation Analyzer (FDA Code: GKP / 864.5400)
A coagulation instrument is an automated or semiautomated device used to determine the onset of clot formation for in vitro coagulation studies.
• Automated Coagulation Instrument (FDA Code: GKP / 864.5400)
• Automated Hematocrit Instrument (FDA Code: GKF / 864.5600)
An automated hematocrit instrument is a fully automated or semi-automated device which may or may not be part of a larger system. This device measures the packed red cell volume of a blood sample to distinguish normal from abnormal states, such as anemia and erythrocytosis (an increase in the number of red cells).
• Automated Slide Stainer (FDA Code: KPA / 864.3800)
An automated slide stainer is a device used to stain histology, cytology, and hematology slides for diagnosis.
• Automated Tissue Processor (FDA Code: IEO / 864.3875)
An automated tissue processor is an automated system used to process tissue specimens for examination through fixation, dehydration, and infiltration.
• Automated Urinalysis System (FDA Code: KQO / 862.2900)
An automated urinalysis system is a device intended to measure certain of the physical properties and chemical constituents of urine by procedures that duplicate manual urinalysis systems. This device is used in conjunction with certain materials to measure a variety of urinary analytes.
• Automatic Rotary Microtome (FDA Code: IDO / 864.3010)
Tissue processing equipment consists of devices used to prepare human tissue specimens for diagnostic histological examination by processing specimens through the various stages of decalcifying, infiltrating, sectioning, and mounting on microscope slides.
• B. Parapertussis Agglutinating Antisera (FDA Code: GOW / 866.3065)
• B. Pertussis Agglutinating Antisera (FDA Code: GOY / 866.3065)
• Bacterial Diagnostic Test
• Barbiturate Enzyme Immunoassay Test (FDA Code: DIS / 862.3150)
A barbiturate test system is a device intended to measure barbiturates, a class of hypnotic and sedative drugs, in serum, urine, and gastric contents. Measurements obtained by this device are used in the diagnosis and treatment of barbiturate use or overdose and in monitoring levels of barbiturate to ensure appropriate therapy.
• Basic Fuchsin (FDA Code: KKW / 864.1850)
• Benzodiazepine Enzyme Immunoassay Test (FDA Code: JXM / 862.3170)
A benzodiazepine test system is a device intended to measure any of the benzodiazepine compounds, sedative and hypnotic drugs, in blood, plasma, and urine. The benzodiazepine compounds include chlordiazepoxide, diazepam, oxazepam, chlorzepate, flurazepam, and nitrazepam. Measurements obtained by this device are used in the diagnosis and treatment of benzodiazepine use or overdose and in monitoring levels of benzodiazepines to ensure appropriate therapy.
• Biebrich Scarlet Stain (FDA Code: ICN / 864.1850)
• Bilirubin Diazo Colorimetry Test (FDA Code: CIG / 862.1110)
A bilirubin (total or direct) test system is a device intended to measure the levels of bilirubin (total or direct) in plasma or serum. Measurements of the levels of bilirubin, an organic compound formed during the normal and abnormal distruction of red blood cells, if used in the diagnosis and treatment of liver, hemolytic hematological, and metabolic disorders, including hepatitis and gall bladder block.
• Biological Sterilization Process Indicator (FDA Code: FRC / 880.2800)
A biological sterilization process indicator is a device intended for use by a health care provider to accompany products being sterilized through a sterilization procedure and to monitor adequacy of sterilization. The device consists of a known number of microorganisms, of known resistance to the mode of sterilization, in or on a carrier and enclosed in a protective package. Subsequent growth or failure of the microorganisms to grow under suitable conditions indicates the adequacy of sterilization.
• Blood Cell Diluent (FDA Code: GIF / 864.8200)
A blood cell diluent is a device used to dilute blood for further testing, such as blood cell counting.
• Blood Clot Coagulation Analyzer (FDA Code: GKP / 864.5400)

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