
Prism Medical Ltd.

Address: 480 University Avenue, Ste 100, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1V2, Canada
Phone: +1-(416)-260-2145 | Fax: +1-(416)-260-9195 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Prism Medical Ltd. is a provider of durable medical equipment and related services. We focus on the manufacture, distribution, sale and installation of lift, transfer & handling devices. We also sell other related durable medical equipment within the moving and handling segment through homecare, long-term care & acute care facilities. Our product line includes fixed ceiling lifts, portable ceiling lifts, portable track system, sling systems, mobile lifts, shower chairs, bathing systems, transfer and repositioning aids.

The company has revenues of USD 5-10 Million, has ~40 employees and is ISO 9001 certified.

FDA Registration Number: 9615386
US Agent: Rekha Janarthanan / Prism Medical
Phone: +1-(314)-219-8682  Fax: +1-(314)-692-7858  E-Mail:

28 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Automobile Lifts & Transfer Devices
• Bathing Systems
• Chair with Casters (FDA Code: INM / 890.3100)
A mechanical chair is a manually operated device intended for medical purposes that is used to assist a disabled person in performing an activity that the person would otherwise find difficult to do or be unable to do. Examples of mechanical chairs include the following: A chair with an elevating seat used to raise a person from a sitting position to a standing position and a chair with casters used by a person to move from one place to another while sitting.
• Chairs & Accessories, Seat Lift
• Fixed Ceiling Lifts
• Hydraulic Patient Lifter
• Lifting Cushions
• Lifting Sling Systems
• Lifting Sling Systems Service
• Lifts/transfer Devices
• Mobile Floor Lifts
• Non AC-Powered Patient Lift (FDA Code: FSA / 880.5510)
A non-AC-powered patient lift is a hydraulic, battery, or mechanically powered device, either fixed or mobile, used to lift and transport a patient in the horizontal or other required position from one place to another, as from a bed to a bath. The device includes straps and a sling to support the patient.
• Patient Immobilization System
• Patient Lift Replacement Parts
• Patient Lifters (FDA Code: FNG / 880.5500)
An AC-powered lift is an electrically powered device either fixed or mobile, used to lift and transport patients in the horizontal or other required position from one place to another, as from a bed to a bath. The device includes straps and slings to support the patient.
• Patient Lifting Systems
• Patient Lifts and Accessories (FDA Code: FNG / 880.5500)
• Patient Transport/Lifts
• Portable Ceiling Lifts
• Portable Track Systems
• Replacement Patient Lift-Slings
• Repositioning Aids
• Shower Chairs
• Slings and Anchor Systems
• Track Systems
• Transfer Aid (FDA Code: IKX / 890.5050)
A daily activity assist device is a modified adaptor or utensil (e.g., a dressing, grooming, recreational activity, transfer, eating, or homemaking aid) that is intended for medical purposes to assist a patient to perform a specific function.
• Transfer Aid for Disabled/Handicapped (FDA Code: IKX / 890.5050)
• Transfer Patient Lifts

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