
GISH Biomedical, Inc.

Contact: Liza Mlcoch - Marketing Coordinator
Address: 22942 Arroyo Vista, Rancho Santa Margarita, California 92688-2600, USA
Phone: +1-(949)-635-6200, 800-938-0531 | Fax: +1-(949)-635-6299 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: GISH Biomedical, Inc. designs, manufactures & markets disposable medical devices for various surgical specialties including cardiovascular surgery, orthopedics, and oncology. Our product portfolio also includes targeted solutions for vascular access and orthopedics. Our products include oxygenators & oxygenator systems, blood reservoirs, cardioplegia delivery systems, custom cardiovascular tubing systems, central venous access catheters & ports, and blood recovery devices for post-operative use in orthopedic surgeries. We also export our products to various countries worldwide. We produce perfusion products to accommodate the changing needs of cardiovascular surgery. Our Oxygenator features a stainless steel heat exchanger with a 2.45 m2 precision wound fiber bundle.

The company was founded in 1979, has revenues of USD 10-25 Million, has ~120 employees and is ISO 9002, CE certified. (SEC Filings)

46 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Arterial Line Cardiopulmonary Bypass Blood Filter (FDA Code: DTM / 870.4260)
A cardiopulmonary bypass arterial line blood filter is a device used as part of a gas exchange (oxygenator) system to filter nonbiologic particles and emboli (blood clots or pieces of foreign material flowing in the bloodstream which will obstruct circulation by blocking a vessel) out of the blood. It is used in the arterial return line.
• Autotransfusion Apparatus (FDA Code: CAC / 868.5830)
An autotransfusion apparatus is a device used to collect and reinfuse the blood lost by a patient due to surgery or trauma.
• Blood Tubing Connector
• Breathing Circuit Bacterial Filter (FDA Code: CAH / 868.5260)
A breathing circuit bacterial filter is a device that is intended to remove microbiological and particulate matter from the gases in the breathing circuit.
• Cardioplegia Solution Administration Kit
• Cardiopulmonary Bypass Adaptor (FDA Code: DTL / 870.4290)
A cardiopulmonary bypass adaptor, stopcock, manifold, or fitting is a device used in cardiovascular diagnostic, surgical, and therapeutic applications to interconnect tubing, catheters, or other devices.
• Cardiopulmonary Bypass Blood Reservoir (FDA Code: DTN / 870.4400)
A cardiopulmonary bypass blood reservoir is a device used in conjunction with short-term extracorporeal circulation devices to hold a reserve supply of blood in the bypass circulation.
• Cardiopulmonary Bypass Cardiotomy Return Sucker (FDA Code: DTS / 870.4420)
A cardiopulmonary bypass cardiotomy return sucker is a device that consists of tubing, a connector, and a probe or tip that is used to remove blood from the chest or heart during cardiopulmonary bypass surgery.
• Cardiopulmonary Bypass Cardiotomy Suction Line Blood Filter (FDA Code: JOD / 870.4270)
A cardiopulmonary bypass cardiotomy suction line blood filter is a device used as part of a gas exchange (oxygenator) system to filter nonbiologic particles and emboli (a blood clot or a piece of foreign material flowing in the bloodstream which will obstruct circulation by blocking a vessel) out of the blood. This device is intended for use in the cardiotomy suction line.
• Cardiopulmonary Bypass Defoamer (FDA Code: DTP / 870.4230)
A cardiopulmonary bypass defoamer is a device used in conjunction with an oxygenator during cardiopulmonary bypass surgery to remove gas bubbles from the blood.
• Cardiopulmonary Bypass Heat Exchanger (FDA Code: DTR / 870.4240)
A cardiopulmonary bypass heat exchanger is a device, consisting of a heat exchange system used in extracorporeal circulation to warm or cool the blood or perfusion fluid flowing through the device.
• Cardiopulmonary Bypass On-Line Blood Gas Monitor (FDA Code: DRY / 870.4330)
A cardiopulmonary bypass on-line blood gas monitor is a device used in conjunction with a blood gas sensor to measure the level of gases in the blood.
• Cardiopulmonary Bypass Oxygenator (FDA Code: DTZ / 870.4350)
A cardiopulmonary bypass oxygenator is a device used to exchange gases between blood and a gaseous environment to satisfy the gas exchange needs of a patient during open-heart surgery.
• Cardiopulmonary Bypass Pump Tube (FDA Code: DWE / 870.4390)
A cardiopulmonary bypass pump tubing is polymeric tubing which is used in the blood pump head and which is cyclically compressed by the pump to cause the blood to flow through the cardiopulmonary bypass circuit.
• Cardiopulmonary Bypass Vascular Catheter (FDA Code: DWF / 870.4210)
A cardiopulmonary bypass vascular catheter, cannula, or tubing is a device used in cardiopulmonary surgery to cannulate the vessels, perfuse the coronary arteries, and to interconnect the catheters and cannulas with an oxygenator. The device includes accessory bypass equipment.
• Cardiopulmonary Pre-Bypass Filter (FDA Code: KRJ / 870.4280)
A cardiopulmonary prebypass filter is a device used during priming of the oxygenator circuit to remove particulates or other debris from the circuit prior to initiating bypass. The device is not used to filter blood.
• Cardiopulmonary Systems, Hollow Fiber Oxygenator
• Cardiotomy Reservoirs
• Catheter Accessories (FDA Code: KGZ / 878.4200)
An introduction/drainage catheter is a device that is a flexible single or multilumen tube intended to be used to introduce nondrug fluids into body cavities other than blood vessels, drain fluids from body cavities, or evaluate certain physiologic conditions. Examples include irrigation and drainage catheters, pediatric catheters, peritoneal catheters (including dialysis), and other general surgical catheters. An introduction/drainage catheter accessory is intended to aid in the manipulation of or insertion of the device into the body. Examples of accessories include adaptors, connectors, and catheter needles.
• Central Intravenous Catheter
• Chronic Catheter Accessories
• Continuous Electronic Thermometer (FDA Code: FLL / 880.2910)
A clinical electronic thermometer is a device used to measure the body temperature of a patient by means of a transducer coupled with an electronic signal amplification, conditioning, and display unit. The transducer may be in a detachable probe with or without a disposable cover.
• Extracorporeal Tubings
• Gas Filter
• Gas Filtering Tubes
• Heart-Lung Bypass Unit
• Hemoconcentrators
• Implanted Subcutaneous Intravascular Port & Catheter (FDA Code: LJT / 880.5965)
A subcutaneous, implanted, intravascular infusion port and catheter is a device that consists of a subcutaneous, implanted reservoir that connects to a long-term intravascular catheter. The device allows for repeated access to the vascular system for the infusion of fluids and medications and the sampling of blood. The device consists of a portal body with a resealable septum and outlet made of metal, plastic, or combination of these materials and a long-term intravascular catheter is either preattached to the port or attached to the port at the time of device placement. The device is available in various profiles and sizes and can be of a single or multiple lumen design.
• Infusion Needle
• Intrauterine Catheter and Introducer (FDA Code: HGS / 884.2700)
An intrauterine pressure monitor is a device designed to detect and measure intrauterine and amniotic fluid pressure with a catheter placed transcervically into the uterine cavity. The device is used to monitor intensity, duration, and frequency of uterine contractions during labor. This generic type of device may include the following accessories: signal analysis and display equipment, patient and equipment supports, and component parts.
• Long-Term Vascular Catheter
• Multiple Lumen Catheter (FDA Code: GBP / 878.4200)
• Myocardial Protection Systems
• Non-Roller Type Cardiopulmonary Bypass Blood Pump (FDA Code: KFM / 870.4360)
A nonroller-type cardiopulmonary bypass blood pump is a device that uses a method other than revolving rollers to pump the blood through the cardiopulmonary bypass circuit during bypass surgery.
• Orthofuser Automated Vacuum Pumps
• Orthofuser System
• Reservoir Bag (FDA Code: BTC / 868.5320)
A reservoir bag is a device, usually made of conductive rubber, intended for use in a breathing circuit as a reservoir for breathing gas and to assist, control, or monitor a patient's ventilation.
• Silicone Penrose Drainage Tube
• Silicone T-Y Drainage Tube
• Silicone Y-Drainage Tube
• Softshell Venous Reservoirs
• Suprapubic Tube Drainage (FDA Code: FFA / 876.5090)
A suprapubic urological catheter and accessories is a flexible tubular device that is inserted through the abdominal wall into the urinary bladder with the aid of a trocar and cannula. The device is used to pass fluids to and from the urinary tract. This generic type of device includes the suprapubic catheter and tube, Malecot catheter, catheter punch instrument, suprapubic drainage tube, and the suprapubic cannula and trocar.
• Vascular Access Port
• Water Seal Thoracic Drain
• Whole Blood Oximeter (FDA Code: GLY / 864.7500)
A whole blood hemoglobin assay is a device consisting or reagents, calibrators, controls, or photometric or spectrophotometric instrumentation used to measure the hemoglobin content of whole blood for the detection of anemia. This generic device category does not include automated hemoglobin systems.
• Wound Drainage Kit

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