
Community Products, LLC

Address: 2032 Route 213, PO Box 260, Rifton, New York 12471, USA
Phone: +1-(800)-571-8198 | Fax: +1-(800)-865-4674 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Community Products, LLC is a manufacturer of furniture and equipment for early childhood settings. Our products include gait trainers, dynamic standers, adaptive tricycles, seating system, toddler chairs, bath chair systems, support system and toileting systems. Our Rifton blue wave bath chair is a modular, practical bathing system that is height adjustable. The blue wave bath chair fits in most tubs. The tub stand can be used with any size of bath chair, and lifts the bath chair to a convenient working height. The shower stand makes the bath chair into a shower chair at the perfect standing height for the caregiver, and rolls into the shower. Our toddler chair is designed to encourage normal sitting posture. It has adjustments for varying degrees of abduction and knee flexion. The toddler chair is designed for use indoors on level, dry surfaces. Durable, adjustable, and portable, the Pacer gait trainer empowers clients of nearly all sizes and abilities to improve their mobility.

The company has revenues of USD 5-10 Million, has ~50 employees and is CE certified.

FDA Registration Number: 1319061

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• Ac-Powered Patient Lifts (FDA Code: FNG / 880.5500)
An AC-powered lift is an electrically powered device either fixed or mobile, used to lift and transport patients in the horizontal or other required position from one place to another, as from a bed to a bath. The device includes straps and slings to support the patient.
• Adaptive Tricycles
• Advancement Chairs
• Bariatric Electric Patient Lift
• Bariatric Shower Chair Commode
• Bariatric Shower Chairs
• Bath Chair
• Battery Powered Patient Lift
• Bed Transfer Aids
• Chrome Standard Patient Lift
• Commode
• Commode Seat
• Compass Chairs
• Corner Floor Sitter Chairs
• Dynamic Standers
• Easy-Tilt Shower Chairs
• Electric Patient Lift
• Handicapped Living Aid
• Handicapped/Physical Therapy Equipment
• Hydraulic Patient Lifter
• Hygiene Support Stations
• Mechanical Adjustable Chair (FDA Code: INN / 890.3100)
A mechanical chair is a manually operated device intended for medical purposes that is used to assist a disabled person in performing an activity that the person would otherwise find difficult to do or be unable to do. Examples of mechanical chairs include the following: A chair with an elevating seat used to raise a person from a sitting position to a standing position and a chair with casters used by a person to move from one place to another while sitting.
• Mechanical Table (FDA Code: INW / 890.3750)
A mechanical table is a device intended for medical purposes that has a flat surface that can be inclined or adjusted to various positions. It is used by patients with circulatory, neurological, or musculoskeletal conditions to increase tolerance to an upright or standing position.
• Mechanical Walker (FDA Code: ITJ / 890.3825)
A mechanical walker is a four-legged device with a metal frame intended for medical purposes to provide moderate weight support while walking. It is used by disabled persons who lack strength, good balance, or endurance.
• Midsize Shower Chair Commode
• Non AC-Powered Patient Lift (FDA Code: FSA / 880.5510)
A non-AC-powered patient lift is a hydraulic, battery, or mechanically powered device, either fixed or mobile, used to lift and transport a patient in the horizontal or other required position from one place to another, as from a bed to a bath. The device includes straps and a sling to support the patient.
• Non-Measuring Exerciser (FDA Code: ION / 890.5370)
Nonmeasuring exercise equipment consist of devices intended for medical purposes, such as to redevelop muscles or restore motion to joints or for use as an adjunct treatment for obesity. Examples include a prone scooter board, parallel bars, a mechanical treadmill, an exercise table, and a manually propelled exercise bicycle.
• Non-Protective Wheelchair Restraint (FDA Code: KID / 890.3910)
A wheelchair accessory is a device intended for medical purposes that is sold separately from a wheelchair and is intended to meet the specific needs of a patient who uses a wheelchair. Examples of wheelchair accessories include but are not limited to the following: armboard, lapboard, pusher cuff, crutch and cane holder, overhead suspension sling, head and trunk support, and blanket and leg rest strap.
• Oversize Shower Chair Commodes
• Oversize Shower Chairs
• Pacer Gait Trainers
• Patient Lift Replacement Parts
• Patient Lifters (FDA Code: FNG / 880.5500)
• Patient Lifts and Accessories (FDA Code: FNG / 880.5500)
• Patient Transfer Unit
• Pediatric Chair
• Prone Scooter Board (FDA Code: KNL / 890.5370)
• Prone Standers
• Reclining Shower Chair Commodes
• Rehabilitation Equipment, Patient Lifts And Slings
• Replacement Patient Lift-Slings
• Shower Chair Commodes
• Shower Chairs
• Slant Seat Shower Chairs
• Specialty Shower Chair Commodes
• Standard Shower Chair
• Supine Standers
• Toileting Systems
• Transfer Aid (FDA Code: IKX / 890.5050)
A daily activity assist device is a modified adaptor or utensil (e.g., a dressing, grooming, recreational activity, transfer, eating, or homemaking aid) that is intended for medical purposes to assist a patient to perform a specific function.
• Transfer Aid for Disabled/Handicapped (FDA Code: IKX / 890.5050)

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